YAD: Who We Are?

YAD is a non-governmental, non-religious, non-tribal, non-gender-biased, and non-profit-making organization working with and for the youth, women and children in Kenema district, eastern Sierra Leone.

Mission Statement: What Do We Do?

YAD works with the youth and for the youth to concretize peace and democracy through campaigns against domestic violence, ethnic based politics, gender inequality, social discrimination, unaffordable education, perpetual youth redundancy and economic dependency.

Vision: How Do We Dream Of Sierra Leone?

We believe that “when education shall become a human right for every citizen; national politics becomes detribalized and deregionalized; youth, women and children are equally recognized in decision-making; there shall be a developed nation called Sierra Leone”.

Areas of Intervention: What Are We Doing To Realise Our Dreams About Sierra Leone?

We are tirelessly working in the following thematic areas:

  • Education
  • Governance and peacebuilding
  • Skill and livelihood training
  • Social Entrepreneurship and Microcredit
  • Community Hygiene and Sanitation
  • Agriculture and Food security
  • Welfare Support Programme

Operational Areas: Where Do we Do It?

We are more interested in impacts than numbers. Our activities are focused on grassroots communities who are considered less by decision-makers and may otherwise receive no assistance without us. That makes us ever ready to expand our activities to other parts of the country depending on time, logistic and the nature of projects, but we are currently working exclusively in the eastern provinces.

Distinct Values: What Makes Us Special? Why Must You Support or Partner With Us?

Equality: we don’t discriminate against anyone based on political affiliation, religious belief, ethnic identity, sexual orientation or social status.

Time is money: we believe that the grandiose scale of human value lies in attitudes and behavioural patterns. That is why we uphold appointments, deadlines and promises we make to both our partners and beneficiaries.

Respect for all: we believe that the first principle of a free society is an untrammelled flow of words in an open forum. We do tolerate and respect everyone’s opinion, no matter how opposing they might be to our own interests.

Our Legal Status

YAD is fully registered with all line ministries and relevant government departments including Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children Affairs, Ministry of Education, Science and technology, Kenema District Council and Kenema City Councils, Sierra Leoen Association of Non-governmental Organizations, Ministry of Youth Affairs, National Youth Commission.